Catering FAQ

UNM Catering asks that you place your order 7 business days before your event. If you are within that time and need to place a late order, please do not hesitate! Call our office and we will absolutely do all we can to help out.

We will need final numbers 3 business days before your event. You will receive an email of final confirmation, which advises that you have until the end of day to make changes to your order.

Deposits are required on a case-by-case basis. An office admin can let you know if you would need to put down a deposit.

We have a standard rate of $45.00 as a delivery fee. This includes your set up and tear down.

UNM Catering will handle all of your food and linen needs; however, rooms and tables are not coordinated through our office. If your event is in the SUB, Event Planning will handle the room reservations and set up for you.

If your event is outside of the SUB, you are responsible for making sure that tables are available to set up on. We do not provide tables and chairs. Tables and chairs can be rented through UNM Special Activities.

Contact our office for guidance on how many tables will be necessary to set up your food and beverages.

  • How much do they cost? Linen for all food and beverage service tables are included. We also now include 10 linens with catering orders. Additional linens cost $5.50 per linen.
  • What colors do you have? We typically offer Red, White, and Black. Other colors can be specially ordered upon request for no extra charge.
  • Specialized linens? Please call to discuss pricing and selection.

Tastings are scheduled a minimum of 2 weeks out. We will schedule your tasting Monday-Friday between 12pm-5pm. When scheduling a tasting you will need to pick a maximum of 2 entrées to try. The tasting is set up for 2 people. Tastings are $100 plus tax. When you book and confirm your event with UNM Catering the tasting fee is credited to your final bill. To schedule a tasting please either call our office at (505) 277-2506 or email us at

We ask that you cancel your order no later than 3 business days before your event. Cancellation or late fees may apply.

You can upgrade any event to china – please call our office for more details.

We now have a custom menu request button on our website, so you can still place an order online and put in your special menu request. We are very flexible and we love to see your custom ideas come to life! Please contact the Catering Sales Manager for more information about custom requests.

The SUB is exclusively catered by UNM Food. If there is a need for an external caterer to provide services for events that have cultural or religious catering requirements that UNM Food cannot meet, requests for exceptions can be made as follows:
  1. Please provide the following to UNM Food no less than 10 business days prior to your event. These documents can be attached to your request form if you have them at the time of submission. 
     Documents Required:
    1. Proof of current health permit issued by the state of New Mexico
    2. Proof of current insurance coverage in accordance with UNM Policy 5250.9.5
      1. 9.5. Insurance
        Non-University facility users are required to provide a certificate of insurance for general liability in an amount no less than $1,000,000 and workman's compensation for employees of the event. The certificate of insurance must name the Regents of the University of New Mexico, the University of New Mexico, its agents, officers, and employees as additional insured. The University is not responsible for liability arising from the activities associated with the event. For more information or to purchase insurance, refer to the UNM Risk Services Tenant Users Liability Insurance Program (TULIP).
This documentation is required in order to approve an external vendor. Please note that approved external vendors are required to have a valid parking permit and are not permitted to use the kitchen or back-of-house facilities or equipment in the SUB to prepare, store, or serve, food. Exceptions to SUB exclusive catering services are subject to approval and are not final until written permission is confirmed by UNM Food.