Post Food on LoboEats

Become an Approved Post Creator

To publish a post on LoboEats, it is necessary to become an approved poster. You can request approval by filling out the request form. If UNM Food needs more information, they will contact you directly. Please keep in mind that it may take up to 2 business days for your request to be reviewed. You will be notified when your status as an approved poster is complete.

Apply Now

Creating a Post

Upon opening the app, you will see a splash screen that animates while the app runs initial background processes. By posting on LoboEats you must agree to the LoboEats Post Creator Terms of Use. Review the terms and select 'I agree' to proceed to the form.

Approved users who agree to the Terms of Use, can create a post by clicking the "Post" button in the bottom navigation bar. Fill out the form by entering the food name, description, location from the dropdown menu, and other details such as special access requirements or room number. Enter the start time, and the app will automatically remove the post when 20 minutes have elapsed. Finally, select the number of remaining servings and any applicable food tags for additional information, including allergy information if known. Click "Post" when finished to share the food on the LoboEats page.

Post creators will be expected to be on-site with the food while the post is active.

View "My Posts"

The "My Posts" page allows approved users to edit or delete their posts. Clicking "Edit" will bring up a similar form as the one used to create a post. Please note that the start time cannot be edited for food safety reasons. Once you make any necessary changes, click "Update" to save the changes.

More Options

Clicking the "More" button in the bottom navigation bar will bring up a menu with the following options:

  • My Posts: Approved users can edit or delete their posts on this page.
  • Report a Problem/Feedback: Submit feedback or report issues through this page.
  • Log out: Log out of your LoboEats account.


Clicking the "Report/Feedback" button from the More menu will bring up a page where you can fill out the Feedback section and submit feedback about the experience. You can also fill out the Report section and submit reports to the IT Support office if you encounter technical difficulties.

Thank you for using LoboEats, a convenient way to share and discover available food on UNM Campus while reducing food waste!